Time Left Before the Submission Deadline:

  • Late-breaking submissions for the CSR journal special issues BICI and FICS will be considered until the end of the year: please submit via EasyChair.


Submissions are evaluated in several sequential rounds, each with its own submission and notification deadline: please refer to the Main tab. The total number of rounds is not determined yet and depends on the number of received submissions. The time left before the current round deadline is shown above. The next round, if announced, starts after the current round closes.



Submission Guidelines


Please read these updated guidelines carefully before submitting a paper.


In this year we use two publication venues: Springer's book series Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI), 100% indexed in Scopus, and Cognitive Systems Research (CSR), a Q1 Elsevier academic journal indexed in WoS, Scopus, etc. The main volume of BICA*AI 2023 Proceedings will be published in SCI. Selected at the Program Committee's discerption (not your choice!) papers will be invited for submission in their extended versions to CSR.

All initial submissions, however, must be formatted using the Springer template: MS Word (preferred) or Latex. Currently the 2023 templates are not available, therefore, we are asking you to use the previous templates available via the link in the sidebar on the right. In addition to templates, you may need other resources available via the same page (https://bica2023.org/submission/templates/). All submissions are accepted via EasyChair only. The submission link is the blue button above.

Submission categories

Categories of submissions intended for publication in Springer's SCI are:

  • Long papers: 9-20+ pages, ~400 words each page, $50 USD per each page over 8;
  • Regular papers — 6-8 pages, ~400 words each page;
  • Talk abstracts — plain text, up to 1000 characters, no formatting, single paragraph.

Standalone abstracts maybe published in the front matter of the book. Other submission categories include:

  • Long papers intended for CSR (be aware that their acceptance rate may be substantially lower compared to SCI papers, and the standards bar is higher);
  • Papers/abstracts for local distribution to participants (not publications);
  • Personal bio statements for guest registrations, submitted as abstracts (no file uploads).

Submission and presentation details

Before starting a submission via EasyChair, you should know the following.

  • The number of submissions per author is not limited, as well as the number of co-authors in a submission; however, we need to know who is the presenter and who is the corresponding author.
  • We allow presentations without publications, and publications without oral presentations. A minimal presentation requirement for a publication to be included in the volume of Proceedings is an electronic poster presented online remotely.
  • When you login to EasyChair as Author and initiate a submission, you will be asked, in particular, to select a track, then a topic, a presentation category, and publication preferences, among other choices.
  • The track tells us whether you are planning to participate online or offline, to propose a discussion panel or a virtual sub-event that you will chair, or to offer help as a Program Committee Member, or to provide us with a technical support, or to volunteer for help on site, or to register as a guest (in the latter cases please enter your short bio as an abstract).
  • The topic is used to indicate that you are submitting to a sub-event (e.g., a workshop) of BICA*AI 2023. Topic names are workshop names. General topic is a catch-all for non-workshop submissions. You must tick exactly one topic; if you do not know which one, select "General".
  • Your presentation category is what you prefer or expect. Do not select "Keynote / Invited Talk" if you were not personally invited for this kind of a presentation. The actual presentation category will be assigned by the Program Committee and may be downgraded from your choice.
  • Select "Doctoral Consortium" if you are a student or have a student co-author and want to enter the competition. It does not affect the allocation of your presentation in the Program.
  • Please note that publication preferences are merely your preferences that may be taken into account by the Program Committee, however, it is up to the Program Committee to assign a publication category (if any) to your submission. If you are not satisfied with the decision and want to downgrade it, e.g., from CSR to SCI, then you should notify the organizers immediately.
  • Preliminary submission of an abstract without a paper (with the intent to submit a paper later, indicated by the publication preference) is allowed and encouraged.

Presentation Modalities

Presentation modalities at BICA*AI 2023 include:

  • Keynote
  • Invited Talk
  • Regular Talk
  • Lightning Talk
  • Panelist Entry
  • Pre-recorded Talk
  • e-Poster or Clip
  • Poster or Demo

An oral presentation can be given offline (preferable) or online (via Zoom). A Panelist Entry does not require slides. Yes, it is acceptable to present a pre-recorded talk at BICA*AI 2023 based on the following rules.

  1. BICA*AI 2023 is a live conference. Therefore, for the presentation to be included in the program as a talk, the presenter must agree to be present during the presentation, either online (remotely) or offline (in person in Ningbo), and answer questions from the audience after the video presentation. The video duration should match the allocated slot duration, leaving some time for discussion. For example, if the slot is 20 minutes, then the video can be approximately 15 minutes. The video will not be presented in the absence of the presenter.
  2. Alternatively, the video can be included in the program as a Clip in the e-Poster category and made available online during the virtual poster session and afterwards. Virtual poster sessions will be hosted in Mozilla Hubs. The presenter is expected to be present in the virtual poster room next to their video during the specified time and be available for questions. However, in effect there is no penalty for no-show in this case.
  3. In any case, the video should not appear on the Internet as a talk given at another conference, workshop, or seminar. The author should submit an abstract or a paper associated with the video via EasyChair by the submission deadline. The video can be uploaded later to the field Clip in EasyChair. Submission of the video implies author’s agreement for its public broadcast.
  4. The author decides whether to include a paper intended for one of the BICA*AI 2023 publication channels together with the video submission. Registration payments are not required for online participation without a publication, with or without a virtual talk in Zoom.

A note on registration

Multiple submissions are encouraged; however, each accepted paper (regardless of the number of co-authors) and each presentation without a paper must be covered by its own Registration payment (with the exception of online talks without a publication). Additional features, such as Extra Page Fees (if there will be any), Special Event Registration Fee, etc. will need to be added on top of the main Registration payment.

Contact info

If you have any questions, please contact the key organizers: Professors Alexei Samsonivich and/or Tingting Liu. We are looking forward to your submissions!

--BICA*AI 2023 COC

