Registration for Authors from China
(here $1USD=7RMB, RMB=CNY)
For offline (on-site) participation
- Early-Bird Full Registration: 2800 RMB
- Regular Full Registration (after the early-bird deadline): 3100 RMB
- Guest Registration (no participation in technical sessions or paper coverage): 1000 RMB
For virtual (online-only) participation
- Early-Bird Online Registration: 1400 RMB
- Regular Online Registration (any time after the early bird deadline): 1700 RMB
Applicable to all participants
- Every page in excess of 8 pages in a Springer paper should be covered by a separate Extra Page Fee of 350 RMB
- Full Members of BICA Society who received or renewed their membership in 2023 shall receive a $50 USD (350 RMB) discount in their registration payment.
How to pay
Payments should be made to the following bank account:
- 账户名称:宁波江东学苑教育信息咨询有限公司 (Company: Ningbo Jiangdong Xueyuan Education Information Consulting Co., Ltd)
- 账户号码:377971251543 (Account number: 377971251543)
- 开户银行:中国银行宁波华光城支行 (Bank: Bank of China Ningbo Huaguangcheng Branch)
Payments from outside of China using this method are temporarily not accepted.
When paying from outside of China, use these credentials:
- Bank name: Bank of China, Ningbo Huaguangcheng Branch
- Account number: 377971251543
- Address: 785-789 Fuming Road, Ningbo, China
- Receiving company name: Ningbo Jiangdong Xueyuan Education Information Consulting Co., Ltd
- Purpose: For participation in the conference or seminar
- Details: Registration payment for BICA-AI-2023, submission #...
- [you must enter in your payment the submission number(s) for which the payment is made, otherwise the company will not receive the money]
- Authors from other countries who for some reason cannot make their payment via Eventbrite also can use this method of payment.
- When your payment is complete, please notify Profs. Alexei Samsonovich and Tingting Liu Please include in the letter your submission number and the payment confirmation.
- If you need an invoice, please provide information such as the invoice's header and tax ID number in your request sent to Lei Jiang