Organizers and Committees


Click on the picture to find information about the person.


Organizing Committee: Key Members


Stacks Image 85

Caiming-Zhong General Chair

Stacks Image 92

Kyrtin Atreides Financial Chair

Stacks Image 97

Felix Ramos Secretary

Stacks Image 236

Vice Chair Program Chair Local Chair

Stacks Image 113

PC Chair: Alexei Samsonovich

Stacks Image 120

Junichi Takeno

Stacks Image 254

Zhen Liu: Local CommitteeChair

Stacks Image 125

Jan Treur

Stacks Image 256

David Kelley — BICA Society Pres.

Stacks Image 148

Minhua Eunice Ma

Stacks Image 413

Zulfiqar Ali Memon

Stacks Image 420

Azizi Ab Aziz

Stacks Image 466

Yoones A. Sekhavat

Stacks Image 475

Olivier Georgeon






Core Organizing Committee (COC)

  • General Chair: Prof. Caiming Zhong, College of Science and Technology, Ningbo University

  • Vice Chair, Program & Local Committee Chair: Prof. Tingting Liu, College of Science and Technology, Ningbo University (BICA Society Advisory)

  • Program Committee Chair: Prof. Alexei Samsonovich, NRNU MEPhI (BICA Society Advisory)

  • Financial Chair: Kyrtin Atreides, AGI Laboratory, Den Haag (BICA Society Treasurer)

  • Secretary: Prof. Félix Ramos, Cinvestav Guadalajara (BICA Society Secretary)


Extended International Organizing Committee

  • David Kelley, AGI Laboratory, Seattle, WA, USA (BICA Society President)

  • Prof. Jan Treur, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands (BICA Society Advisory)

  • Prof. Junichi Takeno, Mejij University, Nakano, Japan

  • Prof. Minhua Eunice Ma, Falmouth University, UK

  • Prof. Zulfiqar Memon, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (FAST-NU), Karachi, Pakistan

  • Azizi Ab Aziz, Director at Universiti Utara Malaysia

  • Olivier Georgeon, Lyon Catholic University, France

  • Yoones A. Sekhavat, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran

  • Ursula Addison, PhD student in the computer science program at CUNY Graduate Center in New York, USA


Local Committee at Ningbo University

  • Prof. Caiming Zhong: Chair of Local Committee

  • Prof. Tingting Liu: Chair of Local Committee

  • Prof. Zhen Liu: Chair of Local Committee

  • Zhouyan He: Leader of Secretary Team

  • Lei Jiang: Leader of Secretary Team

  • Qiang Fu: Leader of Public Relations Team

  • Suqiong Wang: Leader of Public Relations Team

  • Yan Pan: Leader of Publicity Team

  • Min Song: Leader of Publicity Team

  • Lining Xu: Leader of Logistics Team (accommodation and transportation)

  • Shiru Xiang: Leader of Logistics Team (accommodation and transportation)

  • Huiyu Wu: Leader of Technical Team

  • Jinxiang Wang: Leader of Translation Team


Program Committee (PC)

Lists below are sorted alphabetically by the last name.


PC Chairs:

  • Tingting Liu, College of Science and Technology, Ningbo University
  • Alexei Samsonovich, NRNU MEPhI
  • Caiming Zhong, College of Science and Technology, Ningbo University
First 100 PC Members:

  1. Taisuke Akimoto (Kyutech, Japan)
  2. Kenji Araki (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  3. Joscha Bach (AI Foundation, USA)
  4. Feras Batarseh (Virginia Tech, USA)
  5. Paul Baxter (Plymouth University, USA)
  6. Paul Benjamin (Pace University, New York, USA)
  7. Jordi Bieger (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
  8. Perrin Bignoli (Yahoo Labs, USA)
  9. Douglas Blank (Bryn Mawr College, USA)
  10. Peter Boltuc (University of Illinois at Springfield, USA)
  11. Jonathan Bona (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, USA)
  12. Michael Brady (Boston University, USA)
  13. Erik Cambria (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  14. José-Antonio Cervantes (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico)
  15. Suhas Chelian (Quantum Ventura, USA)
  16. Antonio Chella (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Università di Palermo, Italy)
  17. Thomas Collins (University of Southern California (Information Sciences Institute), USA)
  18. Christopher Dancy (The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA)
  19. Haris Dindo (University of Palermo, Italy)
  20. Jim Eilbert (AP Technology, USA)
  21. Thomas Eskridge (Florida Institute of Technology, USA)
  22. Usef Faghihi (Professor At Universite de Quebce in Trois-rivier, Canada)
  23. Elena Fedorovskaya (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
  24. Marcello Frixione (University of Genova, Italy)
  25. Salvatore Gaglio (University of Palermo, Italy)
  26. Olivier Georgeon (Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, France)
  27. John Gero (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)
  28. Jaime Gomez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
  29. Ricardo R. Gudwin (University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil)
  30. Eva Hudlicka (Psychometrix Associates, USA)
  31. Dusan Husek (Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
  32. Christian Huyck (Middlesex University, UK)
  33. Ignazio Infantino (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
  34. Eduardo Izquierdo (Indiana University, USA)
  35. Alex James (Kunming University of Science and Technology, China)
  36. Li Jinhai (Kunming University of Science and Technology, China)
  37. Magnus Johnsson (Lund University, Sweden)
  38. Darsana Josyula (Bowie State University, USA)
  39. Kamilla Jóhannsdóttir (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
  40. Omid Kavehei (The University of Sydney, Australia)
  41. Troy Kelley (U.S. Army Research Laboratory, USA)
  42. William Kennedy (George Mason University, USA)
  43. Deepak Khosla (HRL Laboratories LLC, USA)
  44. Muneo Kitajima (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan)
  45. Unmesh Kurup (LG Electronics, USA)
  46. Giuseppe La Tona (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - INM, USA)
  47. Luis Lamb (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
  48. Leonardo Lana de Carvalho (Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys, Brazil)
  49. Othalia Larue (University of Quebec, Canada)
  50. Christian Lebiere (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
  51. Jürgen Leitner (Australian Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision, Australia)
  52. Simon Levy (Washington and Lee University, USA)
  53. Antonio Lieto (University of Turin, Italy)
  54. James Marshall (Sarah Lawrence College, USA)
  55. Steve Morphet (Enabling Tech Foundation, USA)
  56. Amitabha Mukerjee (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)
  57. Daniele Nardi (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
  58. Sergei Nirenburg (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA)
  59. David Noelle (University of California Merced, USA)
  60. Andrea Omicini (Alma Mater Studiorum–Università di Bologna, Italy)
  61. Marek Otahal (Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Czech Republic)
  62. Giovanni Pilato (ICAR-CNR, Italy)
  63. Roberto Pirrone (University of Palermo, Italy)
  64. Michal Ptaszynski (Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan)
  65. Nicholas Pym (BBD, Ireland)
  66. Uma Ramamurthy (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA)
  67. Felix-Francisco Ramos-Corchado (CINVESTAV GDL)
  68. Thomas Recchia (US Army ARDEC, USA)
  69. James Reggia (University of Maryland, USA)
  70. Frank Ritter (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
  71. Paul Robertson (DOLL Inc., USA)
  72. Francisco Abelardo Robles Aguirre (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico)
  73. Brandon Rohrer (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
  74. Christopher Rouff (Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
  75. Rafal Rzepka (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  76. Ilias Sakellariou (Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece)
  77. Fredrik Sandin (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden)
  78. Ricardo Sanz (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)
  79. Michael Schader (Yellow House Associates, USA)
  80. Howard Schneider (Sheppard Clinic North, Canada)
  81. Michael Schoelles (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
  82. Valeria Seidita (Dipartimento di Ingegneria - Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy)
  83. Ignacio Serrano (Instituto de Automtica Industrial - CSIC, Spain)
  84. Javier Snaider (FedEx Institute of Technology, The University of Memphis, USA)
  85. Donald Sofge (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
  86. Meehae Song (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
  87. Rosario Sorbello (University of Palermo, Italy)
  88. John Sowa (Kyndi, Inc., USA)
  89. Terry Stewart (National Research Council Canada)
  90. Swathikiran Sudhakaran (Samsung AI Center Cambridge, UK)
  91. Sherin Sugathan (Enview Research & Development Labs, India)
  92. Junichi Takeno (Meiji University, Japan)
  93. Knud Thomsen (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
  94. Jan Treur (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  95. Rodrigo Ventura (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
  96. Pei Wang (Temple University, USA)
  97. Mark Waser (Digital Wisdom Institute, USA)
  98. Roseli S. Wedemann (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  99. Özge Nilay Yalçın (University of British Columbia, Canada)
  100. Terry Zimmerman (University of Washington Bothell, USA)


About BICA Society

BICA Society is a nonprofit international organization founded in 2010 with the purpose to promote and facilitate the transdisciplinary study of Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA), aiming at the emergence of a unifying, generally accepted framework for the design, characterization and implementation of human-level artificial intelligence.
Cognitive Architectures are general-purpose computational architectures inspired by scientific theories developed to explain cognition in animals and men. Cognitive Architectures have been employed in many different kinds of applications, since the control of robots to decision-making processes in intelligent agents. In many cases, a cognitive architecture is decomposed based on the cognitive capabilities they are able to provide, like perception, attention, memory, reasoning, learning, behavior generation, etc. Cognitive Architectures are, at the same time, theoretical modelings for how many different cognitive processes interact to each other in order to sense, reason and act, and also software frameworks which can be reused through different applications.
The field of research on Cognitive Architectures has now a history of more than 40 years of research. A comparative table, presenting a comprehensive review of the most important implemented CAs in the literature is available at the BICA Society web site.
The "BICA Challenge" was proposed originally in 2012 by BICA Society, as the challenge to create a general-purpose, real-life computational equivalent of the human mind using an approach based on cognitive architectures. It differentiates to other methodologies on Artificial Intelligence by its explicit inspiration on cognitive neuroscience and neuro-psychology.


